I am taking part in the Walk 4 the Walton, the goal is to do 100,000 steps in the month of May. I have decided to set myself a target of 200,000 🤞😄

In Feb 2022 I had a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage at the age of 25, this is rare type of stroke where there is bleeding in the area surrounding the brain.

I spent a few weeks at the Walton Hospital in Liverpool receiving fantastic care and I continue to receive ongoing outpatient care now.

This fantastic hospital and it's staff members have made what has been a terrible and scary time in my life, easier and less daunting where possible.

I am grateful every day for them. ❤️

I am taking part in the 'Walk for the Walton' fundraiser to give back to the hospital charity and support their work, so they can continue to support individuals like me. Please consider donating ❤️

About The Walton Centre:
The Walton Centre in Liverpool offers a world class neuroscience service which includes many pioneering techniques, cutting edge treatments; and clinicians who are international leaders in their field. Over 100,000 patients are treated at the hospital each year with conditions ranging from head and spinal trauma injuries; brain and spine tumours; Epilipsy, MS, Motor Neurone Disease and Parkinson.

The Charity funds a variety of projects in the hospital including research, innovation, new technology and patient & family facilities. Emily Hutchinson