Decide what to do

You should pick something you enjoy doing – if you love being active, why not do a sponsored run/bike-ride/swim… Or if being sociable is more your thing, why not organise a charity night or coffee morning.  Or how about a sponsored sleepover?  Have a look through our A to Z of ideas for some inspiration.

Register with us

Make sure you register your intent to fundraise with us, so that we can send you an authority letter and support you with any advice or promotional materials you might need.

Plan and promote

If you are planning an event, make sure you have set aside plenty of time to organise it. You will need to decide where it is going to be (book a venue); who is going to come (send invitations, use twitter and facebook, display posters); how are you going to raise the money (entry fee, raffles, auctions); and what might you need to achieve this (entertainment, food, raffle items, collecting tins/buckets). Try and keep any costs to a minimum - we would recommend that you aim to raise at least three times as much as you spend.

If you are undertaking a sponsored event, we would recommend that you set up a justgiving page to help you raise your money.  An online fundraising page helps you to promote what you are doing, and also allows people to pay directly on-line. Gift-aid is also automatically collected when appropriate.

Stay safe and legal

Fundraising is all about having fun whilst raising money for a good cause, but there are also laws and legislations which you need to be aware of – don’t worry, we can help and advise, but here are some examples:

  • Collections: A great way to raise money, but if they take place in a public place you will need a licence from the Local Authority. If you are collecting on private land or in a privately owned premise, you will just need the permission of the owner.
  • Raffles/ Lotteries: A raffle or tombola does not need to be registered with the Local Authority, providing the sale of tickets and the winning announcement takes place during the event. If however you wanted to sell tickets over a period of time leading up to your event, you would need a gambling licence – please contact us before you go down this route.
  • Insurance: Please make sure all relevant insurances for your event are in place, such as public liability for your venue. Unfortunately, The Walton Centre can’t accept any liability for your event.

Pay in your money

Once you have finished your event there are a number of ways you can pay in the money you raised:

  • Pop in to see us and hand the money over personally – we love to meet our supporters!
  • Post a cheque made payable to ‘The Walton Centre Charity’
  • Pay money through our website donate function - remember to leave details of your event in the comment box
  • Pay in via bank transfer – contact us for a reference and bank details
  • We are also happy, whenever possible, to come to you and collect the money. Please get in touch and we’ll see what we can do!

Thank your supporters

Don’t forget to thank everyone who has helped make your fundraising event success! 
A little note, or email message can go a long way.

Share your story

We love to see pictures and hear all about our supporters’ events, so please send us photos from your event if possible, so that we can share your success with other supporters! Don't forget to tag us in your posts on social media, our handles are: